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Hướng dẫn học Từ vựng IELTS – Unit 19: The media – Học Hay

The news

1.1   Answer these questions.

1    Are you

A  well-informed  about current affairs?

B   not interested in current affairs?

2    Do you consider newspapers to be

A   biased         

B    entertaining

C  informative?

3    Do you prefer to get the news from

A   newspapers    

B    the Internet

C   the radio    

D   the television?


1.2   Listen and say whether the following statements are true or false according to the speaker. Correct the statements that are false.

1    The speaker believes the general public is well-informed.

2   The Manly University project focused on stories about famous people.

3   Dan Taylor believes that the main aim of today’s mass media is to inform people.

4   The study revealed that newspapers avoid reporting on the gap between the rich and the poor.

5    Important news stories appear in the back pages because this highlights their importance.


Đáp án:

1   False, they are ill-informed

2   False,  they focused on (significant) current affairs

3  False.  he believes  they want to entertain  people

4  True

5  False,  it is because celebrity stories occupy the front pages


1.3   Listen again and find words or phrases that match these definitions.

1    a situation in which newspapers, radio and television are allowed to express opinions openly

2   to send out a programme on television or radio

3    written about or spoken of in the news

4    large systems consisting of many similar parts all of which are centrally controlled

5    newspapers, radio and television when seen as a group

6   the deliberate removal of sections of a text or film considered to be unsuitable

7    a popular newspaper with lots of pictures and short articles

8    words in large print at the start of a news story or the main stories in the news


Đáp án:

  1. free press
  2. broadcast
  3. reported
  4. networks
  5. the media
  6. censorship
  7. tabloid
  8. headlines


1.4  Read the following information about the same story and complete the text with words from the box.

biased   controversial   exposes   front page   publications   press   safeguards   sources


In response to the study, Martin Dexter from the Associated Press said: “This study seems to be rather a harsh attack on the 1 ………..and I can’t agree with its conclusions. You need to remember that we have a broad range of media sources available to us nowadays. There is an enormous amount of alternative media that provide a healthy balance to the mainstream. If people want to be informed, they are unlikely to turn to tabloid newspapers to do so. Instead, they can access a wide range of journals, magazines and smaller 2…………. They can also search the Web for the most up-to-date information from any part of the world.

On the negative side, there is a problem with editor verification with some stories reported on the internet because 3 ……….. can be unreliable. The 4………..in place for traditional media just don’t exist there at the moment.”

“I’ll admit that stories about 5  ………..issues are less likely to be seen by the tabloids as 6 ……….. news. But I would be more concerned about content which is politically 7 ………..  or motivated. I believe there are many publishers and broadcasters that do still have a strong tradition of 8 ……….. and investigative journalism. If there is an emphasis on entertainment rather than more serious issues. then this is being driven by consumer demand. Perhaps ultimately we only get the media we deserve.”


Đáp án:

  1. press
  2. publications
  3. sources
  4. safeguards
  5. controversial
  6. front  page
  7. biased
  8. exposes


1.5   Now answer these questions.

1    What do we call newspapers when seen as a group?

2   What is the opposite of mainstream media?

3   What is another word for the Internet?

4   What does Martin Dexter believe is the problem with new media?

5  What do we call the type of journalism that tries to discover the truth behind issues that are of public interest?


Đáp án:

1   the press   

2   alternative (media)   

3  the Web

4  The stories are not always  checked by an editor (editor verification)  and sources can be unreliable.     4  ideology

5   investigative  reporting


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About Thanh Huyền Học Hay

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