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Từ vựng IELTS – Unit 17: Talking business


1.1   Answer these questions.

Have you ever worked in any of these places? If not, would you like to?

A   a shop      B    a restaurant       c  a hotel       D    an office


1.2  Listen and match the speakers to the correct industry. Write your answers in the second column. In the third column, write the adjectives the speakers use to describe their job.

advertising           building ……….. hospitality             retail



Type of industry

Adjectives used to describe work














Đáp án:


Type of industry

Adjectives used to describe work



unskilled, monotonous



demanding, exhausting



physical, manual





1.3   Complete the sentences with words from the recording. If necessary, listen to the speakers again.

1     I’m employed on a casual basis, so my ………..are paid at the end of each week.

2    Over 100 members of staff were made  ………..when the new machines were installed in the factory.

3   It is important to have experience in the ………..as well as academic qualifications.

4   I do ………..so I often have to sleep during the day.

5  The owners had a meeting with all of the ………..to discuss the takeover.

6   The government may decide to raise the age at which people ………..from work from 65 to 70.

7    My boss has asked me to work ………..tomorrow, so I won’t be home until late.

8   Our junior staff ………..$12 per hour.

9   If they don’t increase my ………..this year then I’m going to look for another job.

10   Many young people today value ………. over a big salary.


Đáp án:

  1. wages
  2. redundant
  3. workplace
  4. shift work
  5. staff
  6. retire
  7. overtime
  8. earn/are paid
  9. salary
  10. job satisfaction


1.4   Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word employ.

1     The ………..find it difficult to get an interview if they have not had a job for a long time.

2    All ……….. must apply in writing if they wish to request a holiday.

3      ……….. rose by 5 per cent due to the closure of two large factories in the area.

4     I was only ………..as a cleaner, but the family expected me to look after their children as well.

5     I couldn’t work when my daughter was sick. Fortunately, my ………..is very understanding.


Đáp án:

  1. unemployed
  2. employees
  3. Unemployment
  4. employed
  5. employer

Xem bài học chi tiết tại: https://hoctuvung.hochay.com/tu-vung-ielts/sach-tu-vung-ielts-unit-17-talking-business-hoc-hay-209.html

Group of business people talking outdoor in the big city,business team meeting outsite Premium Photo

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About Thanh Huyền Học Hay

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